Keeping your gear dry is just as important as having the gear to begin with. When you reach for a pack of matches or try and dig out a dry pair of socks from your pack, you want to make sure they are dry. Luckily, you have many options to keep your gear dry!
Your backpack will be the main method of hauling your gear and keeping it secure. Not all backpacks are waterproof. While researching for packs, keep in mind that you will need a waterproof option. If you already have a pack and it’s not waterproof, you can buy some waterproofing sprays. These sprays work really good if you follow the manufacture directions. The drawback is that you will need to reapply the spray every so often.
Dry Bags
Dry Bags come in all sorts of materials, sizes and shapes. They will keep your gear dry in just about any situation. Kayakers, fishermen, hikers, snowboarders and survivalists utilize dry bags for the ultimate protection of gear.
You can find specific sizes and shapes to fit your specific need. When traveling by water your dry bags will float if knocked off your kayak or boat! Even better, use dry bags colored in high visibility colors to make it easy to spot.
Some special options are geared towards hunters like quiet top locks and camouflage colors. The last thing you want while hunting is bright colors or a bag that makes noise. Duck hunters will also appreciate that the contents will stay dry and safe while sitting in a marsh waiting for ducks!
Ziploc Bags

The old standby ziplock bag is a good option even though not full proof. If you do decide to go this route choose gallon freezer bags that have a double seal. This will give you twice the protection. I also fold the bag up once I add the contents to get out any extra air and make it smaller. If you have a silica pack available, toss it in the bag to get out all extra moisture.
Waterproof sprays work well for any porous material. I have an old backpack that I love to take hiking, but it isn’t waterproof. This is when I found waterproofing sprays that do a really good job at letting water shear off my pack. To have success with waterproofing sprays your pack should be clean and apply the spray, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, you will be spraying layers on your item that needs waterproofing. Give the item (pack, shoes, pants, etc.) the time it needs between coats or the spray won’t work.
This won’t give you a waterproof pack but it will be water-resistant. The ultimate option would be to upgrade to a waterproof pack. If you are nostalgic like I am, you can just use a waterproof spray.
Silica Gel Packs
Silica gel packs are made of a material that absorbs moisture. I always keep a few of these on hand and put them anywhere I don’t want moisture. When I’m going on a hike, I put one in every pack including my dry bags! Dry bags will keep water out, but they also can keep moisture in if you were to open your pack while raining or put a wet item inside the pouch.
You can find silica gel packs on the internet or save them for when you open packaging that carries them like beef jerky, new shoes and such.

Waterproof Containers
You can also recycle while keeping your gear dry. Think outside the box. Used containers like drink bottles, mayonnaise jars, screw on bottles and plastic salad containers are all waterproof. These can be fitted with some items you want to keep dry. I like small wide mouth bottles to hold things like medication, matches, candles, bandages, and anything else that fits.
Salad containers can hold sandwiches, meats, writing material and anything else you can think of. The best part of these containers is that they will stay safe in an orderly fashion so you won’t have to do much digging to get to what you need.
Waterproof Camera Bags
If you are out enjoying the wilderness make sure you capture those memories. You will need to protect your camera from getting destroyed, so invest in a camera bag. Camera bags are easy to use and assure that your investment and memories are protected.
You can find a camera bag for any camera and is easy to use. Just slip the plastic flexible cover over your camera and close it up. That’s all there is to it! You can get the shots you need while knowing that your camera is safe.
Some newer cameras come with hardcovers and are smaller making it easier to carry. So, you might want to even consider choosing one of these new cameras to capture those once in a lifetime shots!
Waterproof Cell Phone Cases
Now that cell phones are almost a necessity, we take them everywhere. It’s nice knowing that we can almost always communicate with people anywhere we go. But after walking into the water a few times killing my phones on fishing trips, I have found a lifesaver. Waterproof cell phone cases are a fantastic way to keep your phone working. They will also save you a few hundred dollars when your insurance plan doesn’t cover water damage.
These new waterproof cell phone cases come fitted for specific phones and keep them safe. These are also good for kids that like to play in the snow while forgetting to leave their phones inside.
Types of Closures
There are 2 types of closures that most dry packs utilize. They are the Roll Top and the Zipper Seal. The roll top’s water-safe system relies on how well you roll the top down. If you don’t secure it properly, it can open and fill with water. If you roll it securely and properly, it is amazingly successful at keeping water out. The zipper seal is much easier to close but can fail easier than a properly secured roll top. Both options for closures work well but depend on you to keep them watertight.