If you are planning to head out for a day hike with your family or friend or by even by yourself then you must have a hiking gear checklist. This hiking gear checklist will help you in a great way to prepare for your hiking adventure as well as make your trip safer and enjoyable.
However, the hiking gear checklist may vary from person to person depending on various factors, for example, the type of hiking that you have planned for, the duration of your hiking, the time of the year when you have planned for hiking and the destination you have chosen for hiking. But whatever the case may be, you must have some common and essential things in your hiking gear checklist that you will always require while hiking.
No matter whether you are planning to head out for a hike for a couple of hours or for several months you must have the following items on your hiking checklist:
However, the hiking gear checklist may vary from person to person depending on various factors, for example, the type of hiking that you have planned for, the duration of your hiking, the time of the year when you have planned for hiking and the destination you have chosen for hiking. But whatever the case may be, you must have some common and essential things in your hiking gear checklist that you will always require while hiking.
Some most essential things you will require in every Hike
No matter whether you are planning to head out for a hike for a couple of hours or for several months you must have the following items on your hiking checklist:

Map and Compass:
Basic First Aid Kit:
Wrist-Based Heart Rate Monitor: