Wildlife encounters are always a possibility anytime you explore the great outdoors. You’ll see birds, bugs and other common critters on virtually every hike, and if you spend enough time trekking through forests, fields and deserts, you’ll surely encounter more spectacular animals too.
Such encounters usually end as quickly as they begin – most wild animals are inclined to avoid people whenever possible. But, unpleasant interactions can happen from time to time, and you’ll be wise to take whatever steps you can to keep wild animals at a safe distance. Failing that, you’ll want to be able to diffuse any tension that arises before the situation takes a turn for the worse.
There are a number of different things you can do to reduce the chances of a negative encounter, and we’ve listed some of the most effective and important below. Because you’ll need to take different steps to avoid problems with different kinds of animals, we’ve broken down the recommendations into several different critter categories.
Bears may be some of the most frightening animals to encounter on the trail, but they don’t cross paths with humans as commonly as is often supposed. And of this relatively small number of interactions, only a handful will progress to an actual physical confrontation. Most bears will move off at the sight of people. To limit encounters and stay safe, try to incorporate the following tips:
You can encounter any number of canines while trekking through the wilderness, including coyotes, wolves, foxes and even feral dogs. Because of their size and powerful jaws, some may represent a potential danger. Note that wild canines are among the most common rabies carriers in some locations. This is especially true of foxes and coyotes. To avoid or diffuse situations with wild or feral canines, try to employ the following strategies:
Bees and wasps are pretty familiar to hikers and campers, as they live right alongside us in the cities and suburbs we call home. But, it is still wise to use caution – especially if you or any member of your party is allergic to their stings. In fact, bees and wasps probably cause more problems for campers than any other animals you’re likely to encounter.
Keep unpleasant bee- and wasp-related encounters to a minimum by following the tips below:
Rodents – including rats, mice, chipmunks, squirrels and other buck-toothed mammals – are unlikely to initiate an outright attack unless cornered or provoked, but they can ruin your food and spread germs over your belongings. Some diseases carried by rodents are serious, so you’ll want to limit interactions with them as much as is possible. Help limit the problems caused by rodents by employing the following tips:
Spiders, ants and other critters rarely present a significant danger, but some can inflict a venomous bite or sting, they shouldn’t be regarded as completely harmless either. Besides, even the bravest hikers and campers probably won’t keep their composure easily once they notice a scorpion, centipede or spider crawling up their leg. You’ll never be able to avoid these types of animals entirely, but it’s best to limit the direct interaction you have with them. You can do so by implementing to following practices:
In warm habitats, reptiles are often far more numerous than most hikers would suspect. Because they require less food than mammals or birds of the same size, reptiles sometimes outnumber their warm-blooded counterparts by a 10:1 ratio. However, this illustrates the degree to which most reptiles are willing to go to avoid encounters with bipedal, pack-wearing predators.
And while a few snakes, lizards and crocodilians may be dangerous, the vast majority of reptiles are completely harmless, and no cause for concern. But, it is relatively easy to avoid most encounters with reptiles in the first place by employing the following tactics:

Wildlife encounters are rarely dangerous, and they usually cause for celebration and photographs. However, it is important to avoid potentially dangerous animals whenever possible. Just follow the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to coexisting peacefully with the creatures of the wild.
Such encounters usually end as quickly as they begin – most wild animals are inclined to avoid people whenever possible. But, unpleasant interactions can happen from time to time, and you’ll be wise to take whatever steps you can to keep wild animals at a safe distance. Failing that, you’ll want to be able to diffuse any tension that arises before the situation takes a turn for the worse.
There are a number of different things you can do to reduce the chances of a negative encounter, and we’ve listed some of the most effective and important below. Because you’ll need to take different steps to avoid problems with different kinds of animals, we’ve broken down the recommendations into several different critter categories.
Bears may be some of the most frightening animals to encounter on the trail, but they don’t cross paths with humans as commonly as is often supposed. And of this relatively small number of interactions, only a handful will progress to an actual physical confrontation. Most bears will move off at the sight of people. To limit encounters and stay safe, try to incorporate the following tips:
Never feed bears or allow them to access your food
Make noise while hiking
Travel with plenty of friends
Bring bear spray when traveling through areas where they’re common
You can encounter any number of canines while trekking through the wilderness, including coyotes, wolves, foxes and even feral dogs. Because of their size and powerful jaws, some may represent a potential danger. Note that wild canines are among the most common rabies carriers in some locations. This is especially true of foxes and coyotes. To avoid or diffuse situations with wild or feral canines, try to employ the following strategies:
Never attempt to feed wild canines – including feral dogs
Keep your dog leashed or tethered at all times
If you find yourself face-to-face with an aggressive canine, maintain eye contact and try to make yourself look as big as possible
Bees and Wasps
Bees and wasps are pretty familiar to hikers and campers, as they live right alongside us in the cities and suburbs we call home. But, it is still wise to use caution – especially if you or any member of your party is allergic to their stings. In fact, bees and wasps probably cause more problems for campers than any other animals you’re likely to encounter.
Keep unpleasant bee- and wasp-related encounters to a minimum by following the tips below:
Always check the nearby trees for signs of bees or wasps before selecting a campsite.
Understand that some wasps nest in the ground, rather than the trees
Clean up spills and uneaten food immediately
Rodents – including rats, mice, chipmunks, squirrels and other buck-toothed mammals – are unlikely to initiate an outright attack unless cornered or provoked, but they can ruin your food and spread germs over your belongings. Some diseases carried by rodents are serious, so you’ll want to limit interactions with them as much as is possible. Help limit the problems caused by rodents by employing the following tips:
Don’t feed the squirrels and chipmunks near camp
Generally speaking, the more exposed a campsite, the fewer rodents it will harbor.
Pack out all of your trash
Spiders, Ants and Other Assorted Creepy Crawlies
Spiders, ants and other critters rarely present a significant danger, but some can inflict a venomous bite or sting, they shouldn’t be regarded as completely harmless either. Besides, even the bravest hikers and campers probably won’t keep their composure easily once they notice a scorpion, centipede or spider crawling up their leg. You’ll never be able to avoid these types of animals entirely, but it’s best to limit the direct interaction you have with them. You can do so by implementing to following practices:
Consider sweeping away the debris and leaf litter around your campsite to help discourage bugs from hanging around your tent or the fire circle
Always knock your boots out before putting them on your feet
Try to avoid contact with shrubs and bushes, where bugs often lurk
In warm habitats, reptiles are often far more numerous than most hikers would suspect. Because they require less food than mammals or birds of the same size, reptiles sometimes outnumber their warm-blooded counterparts by a 10:1 ratio. However, this illustrates the degree to which most reptiles are willing to go to avoid encounters with bipedal, pack-wearing predators.
And while a few snakes, lizards and crocodilians may be dangerous, the vast majority of reptiles are completely harmless, and no cause for concern. But, it is relatively easy to avoid most encounters with reptiles in the first place by employing the following tactics:
Watch where you place your hands and feet
Never try to kill a snake
Don’t be careless during the winter

Wildlife encounters are rarely dangerous, and they usually cause for celebration and photographs. However, it is important to avoid potentially dangerous animals whenever possible. Just follow the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to coexisting peacefully with the creatures of the wild.