Surfing is a mixture of three things, and that are, balance, flexibility, and strength. At the same time, yoga is also about these three things, and it helps in improving the balance of your body, makes it more flexible and provides strength. The point is that both yoga and surfing go hand in hand with one another and if you want to be a pro at surfing then you first need to do some real time yoga that can change your body and give it all the qualities you need to become a professional surfer. Speaking of yoga, every pose helps in opening a part of your body, and at the same time, every pose is making another part of your body stronger than you can ever imagine. Not only will you become a good surfer with yoga, in fact, if you are someone who does a lot of surfing then it is but very obvious that all of the muscles in your body will be very tensed and stiffened. Now, this is exactly where yoga comes in handy, it relaxes the body and releases the stress you have due to surfing. Whether, it’s your hips, shoulders, thighs or any other part of the body, yoga will help you relax, and it will improve the balance of your body and all of its parts.
Now, it is but very obvious that the last thing on Earth that you would want to do after consecutively surfing for 2 hours is yoga. But on the other hand, stretching is necessary too or else you will end up with an extremely sore body. Especially if the waves are all pumping and extremely favorable for a surf then who would want to let that time get out of hand and go for yoga instead? However, today in this article we thought to bring you some of the best yoga poses especially if you are a surfer. The best part about these poses is that you can do them both, before and after surfing and on top of it, all of these poses will hardly take 10 to 12 minutes of yours.
1. Utthan Pristhasana

Also known as the lizard with an added quad stretch, this pose is the best one for someone who wants to open up his/her hips and relax them. This pose is recommended after surfing because you will just love how it relaxed your thighs and stressed hips after surfing. It’s a winner pose because almost all of your body, like your thighs, your hips, and your spine is being stretched and relaxed so you can say that this can be the best pose with the best feeling ever.

Also known as the wide legged forward bend, this pose is a shoulder opener, and it will relax all your tight shoulder muscles to a whole other level. It opens up your hips, it helps in stretching your spinal area and on top of it, this pose can help the inner side of your thighs along with your chest. The constant forward pull of your shoulders can be fixed with this amazing yoga pose, and you won’t be hurt after all the hectic paddle movements. Not only will it help your body relax, in fact, it also relaxes your brain and calms it down. Again, the Prasarita Padottanasana C will be the best thing to do right after you surf, and you know your body is going to hurt. Only a few seconds of this pose, and you’ll feel the difference on your own.
3. Viparita Virabhadrasana

The famous reverse warrior yoga pose is the best for both sides of your body. This pose can help open up your hips, and it also helps your ribs to stretch a bit which is necessary for proper body movement. This pose is great for someone who knows he will have a sore body due to tight paddling. This pose is also known to improve the balance in your body, and it will also relax all your body muscles in a way that you can actually feel it. From your legs to your back to your arms and your front sides of the body, it’s the best pose to stretch your heart out.

Overusing the hip rotators can cause some seriously tight hips, and if you want to release all the built tension in your hips then the Pigeon pose, also known as the Eka Pada Kapotasana pose will be the best yoga pose for you. This pose will help in elongating your back, it will open up your hips, and on top of it, it will relax the body muscles especially the muscles of your hips. If you feel like there’s a lot of pressure on your back, then you can release it all in a few seconds by performing the pigeon pose. We assure you that this yoga position will bring you the best feeling of the world once you do it right.
These are some of the best yoga poses for all the surfers who want to relax their bodies and release all the tension that’s built due to paddling and all the surfing. Now, if you are someone who really wants to see and feel the change in his body then use these poses every single day after you are done surfing, and we assure you that you will see the results on your own. Your balance will improve, your body will strengthen up, and above everything, surfing will become a stress-free and fun activity to perform. Also, remember that yoga is not only good for the surfers out there in fact, it’s also necessary for every individual who wants to live and lead a healthy and fit life. You see, yoga is something that cannot only help you look good physically, in fact, it can also relax your mind and provide you more and more energy that you need to perform your daily routine tasks.
Now, it is but very obvious that the last thing on Earth that you would want to do after consecutively surfing for 2 hours is yoga. But on the other hand, stretching is necessary too or else you will end up with an extremely sore body. Especially if the waves are all pumping and extremely favorable for a surf then who would want to let that time get out of hand and go for yoga instead? However, today in this article we thought to bring you some of the best yoga poses especially if you are a surfer. The best part about these poses is that you can do them both, before and after surfing and on top of it, all of these poses will hardly take 10 to 12 minutes of yours.
1. Utthan Pristhasana

Also known as the lizard with an added quad stretch, this pose is the best one for someone who wants to open up his/her hips and relax them. This pose is recommended after surfing because you will just love how it relaxed your thighs and stressed hips after surfing. It’s a winner pose because almost all of your body, like your thighs, your hips, and your spine is being stretched and relaxed so you can say that this can be the best pose with the best feeling ever.
2. Prasarita Padottanasana C

Also known as the wide legged forward bend, this pose is a shoulder opener, and it will relax all your tight shoulder muscles to a whole other level. It opens up your hips, it helps in stretching your spinal area and on top of it, this pose can help the inner side of your thighs along with your chest. The constant forward pull of your shoulders can be fixed with this amazing yoga pose, and you won’t be hurt after all the hectic paddle movements. Not only will it help your body relax, in fact, it also relaxes your brain and calms it down. Again, the Prasarita Padottanasana C will be the best thing to do right after you surf, and you know your body is going to hurt. Only a few seconds of this pose, and you’ll feel the difference on your own.
3. Viparita Virabhadrasana

The famous reverse warrior yoga pose is the best for both sides of your body. This pose can help open up your hips, and it also helps your ribs to stretch a bit which is necessary for proper body movement. This pose is great for someone who knows he will have a sore body due to tight paddling. This pose is also known to improve the balance in your body, and it will also relax all your body muscles in a way that you can actually feel it. From your legs to your back to your arms and your front sides of the body, it’s the best pose to stretch your heart out.
4. Eka Pada Kapotasana

Overusing the hip rotators can cause some seriously tight hips, and if you want to release all the built tension in your hips then the Pigeon pose, also known as the Eka Pada Kapotasana pose will be the best yoga pose for you. This pose will help in elongating your back, it will open up your hips, and on top of it, it will relax the body muscles especially the muscles of your hips. If you feel like there’s a lot of pressure on your back, then you can release it all in a few seconds by performing the pigeon pose. We assure you that this yoga position will bring you the best feeling of the world once you do it right.
These are some of the best yoga poses for all the surfers who want to relax their bodies and release all the tension that’s built due to paddling and all the surfing. Now, if you are someone who really wants to see and feel the change in his body then use these poses every single day after you are done surfing, and we assure you that you will see the results on your own. Your balance will improve, your body will strengthen up, and above everything, surfing will become a stress-free and fun activity to perform. Also, remember that yoga is not only good for the surfers out there in fact, it’s also necessary for every individual who wants to live and lead a healthy and fit life. You see, yoga is something that cannot only help you look good physically, in fact, it can also relax your mind and provide you more and more energy that you need to perform your daily routine tasks.